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Yoni Steaming Guide


Steaming Herbs & Benefits

How to Steam

When NOT to steam

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia or womb, meaning sacred place or portal to life. yoni steaming is done to restore vaginal health and to help with balancing PH and difficult menstrual cycle. we also steam to release stress and rejuvenate your mind. Here are the included herbs and benefits: 


Calendula- Antiseptic great for soothing irritation and cramps

Lavender- Antibacterial, decreases inflammation, powerful cleanser and calming on the mind and body overall

Peppermint- an astringent great for stimulating and offering a cooling sensation

Lemon Balm- antiviral helps to relieve itching and irritation

Yarrow-may help with toning and tightening and regulating flow

Rose- Works as an astringent



Begin by preparing a safe, quiet, clean, and secluded area for meditation and healing


Undress from the waist down be sure to wear warm socks to keep heat on body

Wrap a warm blanket or robe around bottom half to keep in steam

Next, prepare your warm water and herbs. 

Place tea bag(s) in a pot or basin filled with clean steaming water 

Hover over basin or pot or use steaming chair

Allow 25-30mins minimum for steaming 





you are trying to conceive and ovulating

you are pregnant

you have an IUD 

you have a vaginal infection with a fever

you have open sores or blisters in vaginal area

you are currently menstruation 







we do not claim to be health professionals. All products have been tested in house and results will vary from person to person. we recommend consulting with a doctor if you are pregnant or have any serious health concerns. 


Thank you

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